Monday, August 4, 2008

I thought that this would inspire you this week.

The Olympics are upon us. What can we learn from the Olympics that will impact the lives of us who live and work on Main Street? We can learn that life is a journey to our longings. It is not always as we plan. Failures are as much a part of our success as our successes. Winston Churchill was overheard saying, “Success is going from failure to failure without losing our enthusiasm.”

We can also learn to reach beyond our grasp. Go beyond the impossible. The impossible just takes a little longer. John Madden so insight fully wrote, “If Fred Biletnikoff had lived up to his potential he would not become a Raider.” On May 6, 1954 in Vancouver, BC, Roger Bannister broke the four minute mile. He did the impossible. Only two months later in Australia John Landy broke Roger’s record. John added another impossible to an impossible. Dick Fosbury broke tradition by winning the high jump in the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City by jumping over the bar backwards and he broke the world record with his Fosbury flop in the process. The judges tried to disqualify him but could find no broken rules. So success is not a destination, it is an expedition; a well-structured journey. Robert Frost, one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century wrote, “The road diverged into the wood. I took the one less traveled.

Little Miracle

Don’t go for the Bronze

No coach shouts at an athlete who is trying out for the Olympics, “Go for the bronze!” If an athlete goes for the gold, why not you? If you use the Little Miracles occasionally or if you allow the Little Miracles to gather dust, you won’t even get a copper. You won’t even get a nickel. You won’t even get a wooden nickel. Why not use the Little Miracles at every opportunity for the rest of your professional journey? The principles are generic. They cut across all commercial pursuits. Whether you are a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker, they apply. The Little Miracles are like a searing knife through arctic blubber; easy and effortless. I am amazed that everyone isn’t utilizing the Little Miracles every day. This is the thirteenth Little Miracle. Why not review them and execute them before the sun sets on today? If you would like a copy of the previous twelve Little Miracles, I am only an e-mail away.

Your gold is waiting

From the Little Miracles books
By Mel Kaufmann
I hope that you all go for the Gold this week.